Real Name : James Howlett Alter Ego/Hero/Villain name : Logan/ Wolverine Related Too : Daken(son), Laura Kinney/X-23(Cloned daughter), Face Used : Hugh Jackman Occupation : He's done a little of everything, from instructing a class at the Xavier School, Construction jobs, Bartender,etc. Powers and abilities : Animal Keen senses, Accelerated Mutant Healing factor, Retractable bone claws(coated in Adamantium an indestructible metal) Biography : James was born in Alberta, Canada in the late 1800s to a wealthy family, one night their gardener Thomas Logan and his Son broke into the Howlett estate and after making claims that James may be his son from an affair, shot and killed James' father. In a fit of rage and panic, his mutant powers developed and he impaled Thomas Logan with his bone claws and scarred Dog's face. James' Mother would then commit suicide and send him away, years later James and his childhood friend were working in a Mining Community where James now calling himself Logan earned the nickname Wolverine. Dog would return later for revenge and in a fit for his life, Logan would accidentally kill the woman he loved Rose and flee into the wilderness for many years living with the wolves. During the early 1900s he could encounter Victor Creed for the first time and again lose the woman he loved at Creed's hands, various tradgedies would befall Logan..including the Weapon X program which erased his memories and coated his bones in Adamantium. He eventually found the X-Men and fell in love with Jean Grey, despite her being married to team mate Cyclops. |