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Title: Patrolling | |
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Date Posted:08/02/2017 21:15 PMCopy HTML Batman had also been following a lead from the Gotham underworld, word had spread that Deathstroke may have returned to Gotham and just recently the Joker and Two-face had also resurfaced. Batman had dug for clues, gotten several mobsters and various criminals back behind bars with help from Commissioner Gordon, but still nothing on those three. He he ascended the top of Wayne tower and looked out over the city, tuning into his patch into the GCPD radio system. "Let's see what's going on tonight." |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/12/2017 22:31 PMCopy HTML ![]() The night city life of Gotham was no different from any other night. The traffic was steady and the sidewalk flow was normal. An armored truck was rolling through the traffic. Here and there obeying all the traffic signs and lights. It was the last light with a huge explosion happened. The armor truck and everything around goes flying. The armored truck flipped on it's back. Pedestrians run and flee. Fire glows while a few mysterious shadows begin to appear from the nearby foggy filled alley way. One silhouette in the center leading the way was a familiar form of pig tails with what appears to be a baseball bat resting over the feminine figure. They approach the fire from the explosion to get closer to the truck showing exactly who they were. Harley Quinn herself appears in her masked red and black jester tight attire. She stops in her tracks pushing her hip out as she stands to take in the view of the destruction of the explosion with her goons behind her with loaded weapons ready for action. "Alright boys... There she is!" She spoke in her New York/Jersey accent. "What's in the truck?" One of the goons questioned as she quickly tilts and turns her head in his direction. "How's I'm suppose to know! I just know I want what's ever in side! NOW GO!" She evilly growls showing her white teeth from under the red lipstick she wore on her pouting lips. The goons quickly take off to the back end of the truck to find ways to pry it open when Harley hears a nose. "Oh... what do we have here?" She skips along through the wreckage towards the truck but towards the front. The front driver's side window is busted out and the driver and passenger inside wearing their heavy armored clothing were coughing and barely moving. Harley not bending her knees an inch tilts side ways as her jester covered hair dangles hitting the black pavement peeking into the window seeing them. "I bet you two boys were having a "Blast" weren't cha!" She laughs standings straight up then opens the door. The driver falls out laid out. Harley places a boot to his neck pressing down choking him. The bat she had resting on her shoulder this whole time now comes into play as she lowers it towards the guys helmet knocking it off flowing out his brown hair exposes his true identity to herself. Just a normal officer driver of these type of vehicles. She shakes her head clicking her tongue. Thinking what a waste. He probably has a wife and kids at home. She places the bat to the side of his temple like a golf club. Ready to swing and bash his head in at any moment she pleased. His eyes widen in fear grabbing hold of her ankle to try and release some of her pressure on him to breath. She now looks away from him for a moment and over at the passenger who's still inside the car but completely knocked out cold then towards the back of the truck. "What's taking so long?!" She growls again then looks back down at the guy. "I swear, if you want a job done you've just gotta do it yourself right?" She laughs but hears no answer. "Hey MORONS! What's the hold up!?!"
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/13/2017 02:17 AMCopy HTML ![]() You all think that Harley Quinn would get away whilst there are so many vigilantes running around.Damian Wayne the grandson of Ra's Al Ghul; demon's head and son to Talia and Bruce. As young as he is,he's also very stubborn. Stubborn like his father but quite mouthy as well. He is always willing to strike first and asked questioned,unlike his father. He has no time for patience. But sitting up at the gargoyle,scouting the city whilst his father sat somewhere in the Wayne Tower. But obviously Bruce knew Damian's whereabouts ? That's because Bruce knows his son more than anyone. His eyes strafe through the rooftops and alleyway but then his eyes finally caught up a truck from where Harley Quinn's goon was trying to steal something. But then minutes later he finds a black Royce Rolls looking vehicle stops near. Robin uses his grappling hook and goes to the nearest rooftop. " These insolent scum are still running the street. They need to be stopped ". Once he swings to the top of the next building. He crotches down at the edge. Watching closer and closer on who is the one in the vehicle. " Could that be the Joker ? ", Robin spoke to himself as he watches from afar. But his eyes widen with further surprise, the man that steps out was in a three piece half black and half white suite, his white silver hair and half burned up poisonous face which was hideous. Steps out, flipping the coin over his thumb. " Harveeeeeeeey!" Robin said. he listens carefully on the conversation between Harley Quinn and Harvey Dent aka Two Face. But at the same time, " Harvey ", Harley spoke as well when she came face to face with Harvey Dent ![]() " Whatever is in that truck. It belongs to me so back off ? ". Two face threatening her. " I found it first, so it's mine ", Harley said. She raises her bat as Two Face then chuckled. " You know Harley you and I can work together. You and I can take over Gotha...", but then a smoke pellet was dropped, only for Robin to sneak in and jumps right up on the truck, well some call it super hero landing. His hand side ways, and then he kneeling back to his feet. " You vile villains needs to be stopped and I have no problem taking you all out. Stop you from stealing anything ", Robin exclaimed as he made his entrance statement. " Back off Bird brain, isn't this pass your bedtime ", Harley mocks as Robin continues. " No this is my putting you lawbreakers in jail time ", he stood up, pulling and putting his boo around the back of his shoulders. " So which one of you want to get smacked and handcuffed first ", He looks down at both Two face and Harvey. Including all their goons. So let see what happens ? |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/14/2017 18:56 PMCopy HTML ![]() Harley rolls her eyes puffing air out the top of her lip causing her left side jester hat to move out of her face. "First's double trouble here and now yous?" She says looking away from Harvey over to the little boy Robin with his weapon ready. "How about you go on home little boy and leave this here playground to the big peoples okay?" She lets out a loud laugh looking over at Harvey who wasn't to pleased at either Robin nor Harley. "Boys!" Harley screams as she raises her bat. "Attack!" Right at that moment Harley jumps and does a back flip out of the way as her personal goons appear firing their weapons. Harvey and Robin both take cover. Harley flips and cartwheels towards the top of the knocked over armor truck for a better view. Harvey shouts for his men to fight back as well. Harley vs Harvey's goons now blasting their weapons and fighting as Harley stands tall laughing looking around. "Where'd that little brat get too?" She scans the area and looking for Two face as well. No one was taking this truck but her. Suddenly Harley is side swiped and kicked off the truck and thrown to the grown. Robin landed on top of her holding her into position. Her bat tossed out of her hand but just a few inches from her grip. Robin pushes the staff close to Harley's throat holding her in place. Evil glare on his face. "Didn't see that coming did ya?" Mocked the young Damien. All Harley did was smile. "Ah Ah Ah now kid. Didn't ya father ever tell you about respecting you elders?" She laughs with her hand slowly reaching for the bat. Robin notices and stops her. Harley's face goes from all happy-go-lucky to evil "Think it's time your learned some manners!" Harley reached and grabbed the side of Robin's face shocking him with a deathly shocking hand buzzer knocking Robin up and away from her. She flips up her feet dusting herself off. She looks around noticing her goons were going down fast. She didn't bring as many as Harvey Dent. She knows when to retreat when she needs to. No way she was going to get caught or get locked up again. She spots Two face through the flames as she smiles picking up her bat. "Have fun Dent! I think I'll be seeing ya around." She salutes him while pointing down to Robin struggling to get back up. She laughs. "Have fun with my sloppy seconds." She blows him a kiss then attempts to escape the scene. She turns towards the flames to run but... TBC: B-man ![]() |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/14/2017 20:08 PMCopy HTML It looks as if Two-Face's goons have surrounded Robin, two batarangs fly through the air and disarm the goons giving Robin a chance to knock them out as Batman lands amongst the wreckage and throws his cape over him. "This ends now Harvey" Batman said getting in a fighting stance and taking down a few other goons with various martial arts moves in tandem with Robin. Giving Harley a chance to get further away, but not if the Dynamic Duo could stop them both, |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/28/2017 04:56 AMCopy HTML ![]() Harley takes a good lead from escaping but hearing the commotion of the battle behind her she smirks and turns around to take a finally look at Harvey and his team become defeated by the pesky Bat. Most of Two Faces men step in the way before the duo can even touch him. Harley laughs. "Ha Ha, wouldn't ya know it. He's got things under control." She then turns to leave when swoosh! Harley is swept off her feet and slammed into a nearby wall. Quickly pinned by the Bat himself with his forearm pressing deep into her throat. Harley's eyes closed from the slight knock out she wakes smiling while laughing through struggled breathes of air. "Awe and here I thought you forgot about me." She opens her eyes to be face to face with the black mask. "Sure ya wanna leave the kid to acid face?" She cracks a laugh. "Enough Harley. You're coming with me." He removes his forearm to get ready to cuff her. "Oh shouldn't you take me to dinner first?" She winks then begins playing with one of her pig tails on the jesture hat. "Can't ya just let me go with a warning?" Batman looks at her not falling for her seductivity. "I promise I won't do it again." She then lets out her wicked giggle as Batman forcible turns her around grabbing one arm placing it behind her. He almost gets the cuffs on her but her happy psycho face turns to rage. "Not today!" She back head butts him knocking him back as she quickly turns round house kicking him the side jaw. Then quickly back flipping while causing her to kicking him in the lower job nearly knocking him back and off his feet. He falls to one knee. A bit of blood is seen dripping down his lip. She lands back on her feet swirling the cuffs around her finger while her other hand placed on her hip. "Come on Batsy. You know your know match for me. And plus... Aren't you suppose to be watching kiddo there?" She then makes the mistake of taking her attention away from Batman and over to Robin fighting Two Face's goons. TBC: By Robin, Two Face, or Batman
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/29/2017 05:10 AMCopy HTML She turns away as Batman sweeps her legs making her fall to her back and he quickly takes the cuffs and clamps them on her hands, successfully cuffing her.
"Robin can handle himself." Batman replies as he starts to stand her up. "And you? Your going back to Arkham." He replies as he starts to walk her over to the chaos to help Robin the fight after securing Harley somewhere |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/30/2017 05:29 AMCopy HTML Robin was pinned down, he was cornered. Batman tried to save his only son at this time. But there was no time, but then with a speed of blur appeared snatching every gun from the thugs and knocking them down with a super speed punch. Who was this ? Well this yellow blur was none other than Wally West or you can call him Kid Flash. He appeared with a cup of soda and takes a sip of it.
Robin : Kid Flash. Kid Flash laughing as he replies. Kid Flash : you welcome. Robin : Dodge.. Kid Flash : Huh. Robin uses the bo staff and acrobatically leaps off as Kid Flash dodges to hit a Bo Diving Kick to the two face 's face. He lands against the side of the truck. As Batman jumps up in the air and tosses couple of batarang to stop the thugs. Whilst Kid Flash speeds up to take some of them down. Robin then come close to two face and was ready to kill. Robin didn't pull any restraint and he was about to kill Two Face. As Batman paused and was definitely asked him to stop . |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/30/2017 22:00 PMCopy HTML Before Robin can do anything further Batman yells.
"Robin! Stand down!" Robin, remembering his promise to his Father not to kill, stands up and backs away from Two-Face as Batman cuffs him, "Maybe you should spend some time with the Titans, cool your head. I'll be back at the cave after I drop Two-Face off at Arkham." Batman seemed to reply coldly but Robin was used too it, his suggestion to work with the Titans was in hopes to remember why they don't kill and to work with other people for a change. |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:08/31/2017 03:41 AMCopy HTML ![]() Where Harley was cuffed and placed at she over heard Batman speaking with Robin while he was getting Two-Face cuffed as well. "Awe well isn't this just a touching moment ain't it?" She laughs as Two-Face gets forced to sit next to her. "And look... it's so nice to see how all these parents now a days let their kids run free." She says while looking over at Kid Flash. "And with so many bad guys on the street too. Someone could get hurt!" She cracks out a joking laugh thinking how funny she was but instead everyone grunted on how "NOT" funny she was. "Right Two brainier? Huh Huh?" Even with her hands behind her back she was still able to nudge Harvey with her elbow. The three heroes begin signalling transportation to send Harley and Harvey to Arkham. "Why does everything have to be ruined by the bat?" She then lets out a dramatic pout and sigh to where you just almost want to feel sorry for her.
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:09/04/2017 04:07 AMCopy HTML ![]() ooc : yeah i know I am using the Gotham actor for TWO FACE. Hope my reply is okay. Two Face just didn't care what sort of jokes she can crack, but his split personality could just enjoy the view. Sadly separate jail won't be fun would it. Anyway Two Face gets inside in the police van first. He was handcuffed and chained, his goons were in the other police van. As he watches Harley pushed in. Two Face/Harvey Dent : Are you done pouting Harley. I don't understand why you ruined your career for the clown. He looks at her, as she pops a gum out of her mouth and then started chewing. Two Face/ Harvey Dent : I know all about you. You were a doctor; Psychiatrist and yet you ended up being like him. The Joker. Harley then just mouths off. Harley Quinn : Yeah so were you a goody good guy. Beside I just wanted to be with my puddin or puddins. Harley 's comment had left Two Face confused. Two Face/Harvey Dent : Whatever ? but know this. Your clown friend maybe prince of crime but I run this city. Gotham, I will make it perfect. My Law by a flip of a coin. So buckle up Quinn. tbc
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:09/04/2017 07:02 AMCopy HTML Much later the rusty gate to Arkham Asylum swung open as police marched both Harley and Two- Face through the gates and into the metal detectors, before strapping them to gurney's tightly to ensure they couldn't move whatsoever. Doctors and orderlies rushed over to them to check them in, get the proper paper work sorted out and then the doctor's began to roll the gurney's to their padded cells. Both of them remained somewhat quiet until they reached one of the many corridors and began to hear a familiar laugh, Harvey rolls his eyes but Harley gets gitty with excitement as the voice begins to shout at them. "HEY...HAR-VEY...those scars will never heal if you don't stop picking!" He laughs as Two-face appears angry but then Joker shouts again. "And Harley dear! Welcome home!...You got a lot of e'splainin' to do!"(Ricky from I Love Lucy voice) The two of them get locked into their cells and as the doctors and orderlies walk away Joker peers over at Harley. "Hope you like what I've done with the Place!...Although I'd say you and I have a lot of work to do on the outside." He smiled wickedly implying he could get them out. |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:09/04/2017 07:20 AMCopy HTML ![]() Harvey eavesdropping on their conversation. Listening carefully. But when he realizes that Harley and Joker are planning to escape from prison. Two Face/ Harvey Dent : How on earth do you two think you would break out of Arkham? If you do then you should let me in or else. Harley : Go flip a coin. Harvey snickered. He knew Harley would respond back with a smartass comment. Since he overheard the clown and his squeeze hinting at breaking out. If these two don't break him out, he would already inform one of the orderlies about Joker planning to escape. Two Face maybe a super villain, but his other side is of law man. His law is extreme prejudice. He would make sure it stays that way. As he lays on his bed, swinging his right leg to the edge of his bed. Two Face/ Harvey Dent : So Joker I know you're listening. Getting up from his bed and walks up to the door, grabbing the bars of his room. Popping his half disfigured face between the bars and speaking up. Two Face/ Harvey Dent : Joker It would be ill advised if I am not part of this break through. You two maybe insane, but together we can work something out. Come on, think about it. You see Joker I fought the crime valiantly just to uphold the law. What did I get in return ? Corruption and a disfigured face. The law which is weak, I wanted to make it stronger. now you may not trust me. But sometime you have to be a criminal to perpetuate and start war against Harvey then intervene. Harley : Will you stop with that little sob story of yours. No one cares. Two Face/Harvey Dent : you should. I have the highest number of official still working under me. I can still find ways to get out of here before you even plan your escape. Joker : then tell us Har-v- vey why haven't you planned your great escape yet ? Harvey smirked behind his doorways. Two Face/ Harvey Dent : That would be too easy and plus we have two common enemy. We all despite Batman and his little brat. So if we all join forces we can stop those two. It sounds fun I tell you. tbc
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:09/09/2017 05:26 AMCopy HTML ![]() Harley now dressed in her orange jumpsuit with her long blonde hair flowing down her back, with a slight busted lip from her contact with Batman and Robin both, he was locked up behind closed doors in her iron steel door of a cell. A camera set up high in the right corner for the jailers of Arkham's viewing in on the prisoners. She grabs hold of the two bars of the small opening window to peep out obviously not able to see much but she could ear the guys very well. "Ugh! Enough about the Bat already!" She eye rolls sticking her tongue out with disgust. "If this is what ooze face is gonna chatter all night about I rather move over to the next to Ice boy." Joker is hear cracking his laughter. Harley rest her head trying to squeeze her forehead as far as she can through the small bars. "Puddin?" "Yes Harley?" "I'm bored." Two Face simply listened on now. "You know what to do then." Was the last thing Joker spoke. Two Face now gets curious. Harley steps away from the doors. Once in the center of the room she quickly grabs fist full of her own hair, pulling it, squeezing her eyes tightly, and begins screaming like a made insane woman to the top of her lungs. Her screams begin piercing the other prisoners ears in the process while Joker in his cell is mainly just seen in his bed laying down as if no care in the world. She screams and screams as if something was controlling over her mind when finally she runs and rams herself right into the cement walls knocking herself out cold. Those on the camera pick it up and send a guard to quickly check on her. The hall doors of their area are heard opening. The nice good looking guard comes rushing down the hall passing Harvey's cell in the process as he peeps through his bar window in the direction he was going. He grabs his keys from his side belt loop and unlocks the door. Tazer ready as he walks in slowly. Silence was in this room as he crept up to the fallen Harley on the cold wet floor. Small amount of blood oozing from the side of her forehead. He looks over at the camera and then back at Harley. He kicks at her side. "Hey! Get up!" He demands. Harley is motionless. "I said get up!" He kicks her again but no motion. He finally kneels to one knee reaching for the side of her neck for a pulse. He finds one and right at that moment her eyes pop wide open and a huge wicked clown smile. "LOOK WHO WANTS TO PLAY!?" He yells and goes to taze her but she quickly grabs his arm breaking and snapping it making him yell out in agony. Harley swings her body over his back holding onto his broken arm now choking him with his own arm taking the tazer from him and sending full charge of voltage into the back of his neck, knocking the guard completely out. Once his body was lifeless to her she shoved him down face first into the floor. She stands up over his body tilting her head with a grin rubbing her blood from her head all over her lips. Soon the sirens in the Asylum begin going off. "Such a shame. He'd made one hell of a play thing." "Harley! Enough! Time to go!" Joker snaps from outside her cell. Harley all cheerful, she grabs the keys from the guard and heads out to Puddin's cell quickly unlocking it. Once the door swings open she quickly jumps into his arms planting a kiss on him. Joker quickly pushing her off. "No time. Let's go!" He quickly grabs her by the hand. Harvey now reaches through his window. "Joker! Harley! You two need me!" Harley looks over at Joker and shrugs allowing it to be his call as she swirls the keys around her finger. TBC: By joker or harvey
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:09/09/2017 10:07 AMCopy HTML Joker laughs at Harvey's comments and turns back to his cell. "Need Harvey? Is someone lonely in his cell? Your of two minds on everything! Except when it comes...to sharing a cell." Joker laughs and Harley giggles as Joker takes the keys. "Oh what the Hell? Why not? Let's let them all out! Why should we have all the fun eh Harley?" She nods as Joker unlocks Two-Face's cell. "Now who else...hmm Zsaz? Scarecrow? Penguin? Riddler?" Harley nods at all them and starts to clap excitedly as Joker just starts randomly unlocking cell doors. "Better grab something to fight with boys..the fun is about to begin!" He shouts as more guards rush in, Joker grabs a pipe laying on the ground and clobbers one of the guards in the head smashing his riot helmet. "Harley, you and I have some catching up to do! Gotham's going to be party city tonight." He laughs maniacally as a full scale riot starts to happen |
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Re:Patrolling Date Posted:09/21/2017 02:12 AMCopy HTML ![]() The battle had begun. All the villains on this hall were now released. Even Two Face himself was let out. Fist were swung, weapons were drawn, and lots of bodies falling to the floor. Harley flip kicks a guard in the face and is instantly grabbed from behind holding her arms behind her tightly. A wicked grin appears on her face as she turns while struggling to get out. "Oh baby... How'd you know I like it rough?" She lets out a tiny giggle then back head buts him in the mask mashing his face plate in causing him to let her go. She then jumps grapping the ceiling pipes above her and uses her legs to wrap around his neck then swings him across the room. She rolls landing in a pose then stands to her feet ready to fight more that come her way. "Bet B-man didn't think this was on his list of things to do." She laughs and grabs a nightstick off the guard and bust it along side the head of one guard clearing him out of her way but before he could fall to the floor she grabs his pepper spray and blast the next guard in the face with it after busting open his shield mask. Making her way through the guards like nothing just as the other villains she ends up side by side with Two Face. "Ah so we meet again Harv..." "Likewise." He said in an unpleasant tone to see her. She gives him a pricky smirk which soon fades as she tries to spray him in the face with the mace but he blocks her arm knocking it out of her hand. As she goes to swing with the nightstick he again blocks her arm and grabs her arm in an arm lock. "Now Harley... Is that any way to treat a friend?" "Friend! Ha! You tried to steal my stash!" She back eblows him and turns to kick him below the belt but he grabs her foot stopping her. "I saw it first." Harley balances on one foot with a fake shocked expression. "Ha! With which eye?" Considering he was two face she joked at him which made him growl. Harley then simply just grabs Harvey by the neck and rolls backwards monkey flipping Harvey off getting her foot back. The amount of guards were slimming down as Harley was looking around through the villains. She wasn't spotting who she was hoping to spot. Maybe she was lucky that this person wasn't caught and still was in hiding. Suddenly her arm is grabbed. She goes to flip the person but realizes it's the Joker. "The city is now ours. Let's go!" Harley looks around one more time then smiles as Joker lets her go. "It was fun ladies and gents but I must go." She takes a bow as clearly no one is paying attention followed by blowing a kiss to everyone. "But can't ever leave without going out with a bang!" She then laughs and with that she holds up one of the grenades she took from one of the guards. She pulls the tab and tosses it in. Everyone in the halls begin ducking and rolling as Joker grabs hold of Harley once again and pulling her out of the area to safety and off they run. TBC whomever would like to go next ![]() |