Marvel Character Stats form

Real Name : Peter Jason Quill Alter Ego/Hero/Villain name : Star Lord Related Too : J'son of Spartax (Father), Meredith Quill (Mother, deceased), Victoria (Half Sister) Face Used : Chris Pratt Occupation : Adventurer, vigilante; formerly Emperor, Royal Prince of Spartax Powers and abilities : PowersHuman/Spartoi Physiology - Longevity: Spartoi have a life span that is three times longer than a human from earth. When his father was 100 years old he appeared as if he were in his mid-30's. Due to his hybrid nature it is unsure how he will age, but it will likely be at a decelerated rate
AbilitiesPeak Human Condition Expert Marksman: Star-Lord is well-versed in the use of firearms, from all over the Galaxy Martial Artist: Star-Lord is an expert in hand-to-hand combat being very skilled in multiple fighting styles. Master Tactician and Strategist: Star-Lord is a master strategist and problem solver and skilled in battle techniques. Pilot: Star-Lord is an accomplished starship pilot. Universal Knowledge: Star-Lord has extensive knowledge on various alien customs, societies and cultures, as well as various knowledge about cosmic abstracts such as Oblivion. Biography : When his father's (J'son) ship crash lands on Earth, he is taken in by Meredith Quill. The two form a relationship while J'son makes repairs to his ship. Eventually, J'son is forced to leave to return home and fight in a war. He leaves, not knowing Meredith is pregnant with Peter Quill. 10 years later, Meredith is killed when she is attacked by two Badoon soldiers who have come to kill Peter and end J'son's blood line. Peter kills them with a shot gun, finds his father's gun by accident, and escapes his home before it is destroyed by the Badoon ship. The Badoon presume Peter is killed and leave. Peter is placed in an orphanage and eventually joins NASA. Later, when his ship malfunctions and he is stranded in space, Peter is found by the Ravagers, a group of space pirates led by Yondu. After the Ravagers saved Peter, he tried to steal their ship. Peter managed to outsmart every member of the Ravagers and even knocked out Yondu before capturing him. After he woke up, Yondu managed to set himself free from his restraints and attacked Peter and gave him a choice between letting himself be released to space without more trouble or get killed right there. Peter instead asked him if he could join his crew. Yondu was not sold on the idea but after he found out Peter was like him as they were both "kids without homes", Yondu changed his mind and let him stay in the ship with the Ravagers as their cleaning boy. Peter decided to stay and try to learn everything he could from space while he was part of the Ravagers. Many adventures happened afterwards leading to where he is today.... |