DC Character Stats form

Real Name : Jason Todd Alter Ego/Hero/Villain name : Red Hood Related Too : Bruce Wayne(Adopted Father), Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne(Adopted Brothers), Alfred Pennyworth(Surrogate Grandfather) Face Used : Comic for now Occupation : Rich Billionaire Powers and abilities : Martial Artist, gadgetry, marksman, swordsmen, various others Biography : Jason Todd was the second Robin, who had a mean streak, was brash and often violent. He was captured by the Joker and beaten to death with a crow bar and then had the warehouse blown up that he was inside. Batman grieved him for years but secretly Jason was brought back to life to Raa's Al Ghul and traveled the world, learning from every master martial artist he could and the ways of the League of Shadows. He returned to Gotham as the Red Hood to deal out his own justice by killing criminals and to take his revenge on the Joker and on Batman for not avenging his death. But after some time he learned to respect and trust Batman again and became an ally once again |